Cranberry juice during pregnancy. Can pregnant women eat cranberries - how to eat berries during pregnancy, recipes for medicines Can pregnant women eat cranberries

Cranberry juice during pregnancy.  Can pregnant women eat cranberries - how to eat berries during pregnancy, recipes for medicines Can pregnant women eat cranberries

Experts in the field of traditional medicine believe that products grown in their native land are absorbed by the body much better. This is especially true for the body of pregnant women, whose metabolic processes accelerate during this period, the load on internal organs increases and chronic diseases appear. In addition to all permitted vegetables and fruits, if there are no contraindications for use, cranberries should be present in a pregnant woman’s diet, as a real storehouse of vitamins and microelements.

The miracle berry cranberry not only has a wonderful taste, but also has a lot of positive qualities. Cranberry is the leader in vitamin C content (15 mg), it contains 14 mg of calcium, 15 mg of magnesium, 119 mg of sodium, 11 mg of phosphorus, as well as a lot of other important and beneficial microelements for the human body, pectin substances, organic acids and minerals. In addition, the berry contains flavonoids that are beneficial for the cardiovascular system. The calorie content of 100 g of berries is only 28 kcal.

Small sweet and sour berries are extremely beneficial for the body of children and adults, but women during pregnancy not only can, but also need to eat cranberries regularly. This is the main advice of therapists and gynecologists.

Thanks to the high content of vitamin C, cranberries increase the protective properties of the female body during pregnancy, helping to fight infections and promoting a speedy recovery.

During the period of bearing a child, women very often suffer from diseases of the kidneys and urinary system. Cranberry in this case is medicine number one. Scientists have proven that thanks to the consumption of cranberry berries and drinks, there is no accumulation of harmful bacteria on the walls of the bladder and stomach.

Cranberry during pregnancy relieves hypertension and also helps in the treatment of venous insufficiency. One glass of cranberry juice is an effective remedy for the treatment and prevention of cystitis. Flavonoids from cranberries not only strengthen blood vessels, but also promote normal uteroplacental circulation and also prevent fetal development retardation. The microelements contained in the berries do not leave a chance for the development of oral diseases, periodontal disease and caries, which is very important for a woman preparing to become a mother.

Thanks to its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, cranberry promotes the healing of stitches after childbirth, and the sweet porridge of berries with sugar helps new mothers cope with postpartum depression more easily.

You can eat cranberries fresh, add them to herbal drinks and teas, or drink cranberry juices and fruit drinks.

Cranberry for pregnant women

In addition to all the above qualities of a juicy red berry, the list of beneficial properties of cranberries during pregnancy can be continued for a very long time.

Fresh cranberries normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and berry juice lowers temperature, strengthens blood capillaries and allows the female body to better absorb vitamin C.

The main diuretic during pregnancy is also cranberry, while having a mild diuretic effect. For kidney disease, bladder inflammation, and vitamin deficiency, cranberry is an excellent therapeutic agent.

Cranberries with sugar are effective in treating colds, bronchitis, sore throat and tonsillitis. In the first months of pregnancy, when toxicosis in all its manifestations is a concern, a woman is recommended to consume these sour berries, which help improve appetite and normalize the digestive system. Thanks to its diuretic properties, cranberries help prevent swelling during pregnancy.

For expectant mothers, berry fruit drinks are also recommended for the following problems:

  • blockage of veins in the legs;
  • nervous tension, postpartum depression;
  • gastritis with low acidity, colitis;
  • high cholesterol;
  • ARVI, cold, cough;
  • immunodeficiency;
  • risk of miscarriage;
  • toxicosis;
  • headache;
  • brittle nails, as well as to strengthen the skeletal system of the fetus;
  • treatment of cystitis;
  • normalization of the uterus.

Contraindications to eating cranberries for pregnant women

Pregnant women are prohibited from consuming cranberries for diseases such as:

  1. Gastritis
  2. Duodenal ulcer
  3. Kidney failure.
  4. Allergy to berries.
  5. Heartburn and increased acidity.

Cranberry juice during pregnancy

No less useful than fresh berries is a quenching vitamin drink - cranberry juice. It is prepared on the basis of concentrated natural cranberry juice, while retaining the entire list of vitamins and mineral salts. Cranberry juice during pregnancy effectively eliminates swelling, nausea, and headaches. Fights fever and tones during hot periods. A tasty drink stimulates metabolic processes, improves brain activity and improves performance. Its huge advantage is also that fruit juice leaves no chance for toxins, neutralizing their effect in the body of the expectant mother.

However, there are certain precautions when taking cranberry juice:

  • in the early stages of pregnancy, it is better to take the drink every other day, 1 liter. The fact is that vitamin C in excess can cause uterine tone, which will lead to miscarriage;
  • When going on long trips, you should remember that cranberry juice is extremely diuretic and can cause some inconvenience.

In order to prepare cranberry juice, fresh berries must be placed in an enamel bowl and crushed to a porridge. Then place in a colander or cheesecloth and squeeze out the resulting mass. The resulting thicket must be poured with water and boiled over a fire, at the rate of 300 g of berries per 1.2 liters of water. After boiling for 5 minutes, strain the compote and add 180 g of sugar to it. After the drink has cooled completely, pour in the pre-squeezed cranberry juice. Additionally, for ease of preparation, you can use a blender or juicer. Fresh frozen berries can also be used.

Important: you cannot boil freshly squeezed juice with the peel, as in this case it will lose half of its vitamins. It is recommended to consume fruit drink warm, as this is the only way it is more active.

Admission rules:

  • as an additional medicine against cystitis, pregnant women should take fresh cranberry juice 2 times a day, 2 tablespoons, 30 minutes before meals;
  • Cranberry juice will help relieve fatigue and improve brain activity. 2 glasses a day are enough for you to again feel a surge of new strength and good spirits;
  • against flaking of the skin, as well as to increase its elasticity, you can make a mask based on cranberry juice. To do this, mix half of 1 yolk with 1 tbsp. sour cream and the same amount of cranberry juice. A homogeneous mixture is applied to the face in a thick layer and left for 15 minutes, after which it is washed off with warm water. This restorative mask should be performed up to 3 times a week.

Cranberry recipes for pregnant women

Cranberry recipes:

  1. For hypertension, cranberry infusion will be helpful. Moreover, you need to drink it every day in the form of berry tea for the best effect. Two tablespoons of dry berries are poured with boiling water and infused for an hour. After this, you can add honey to the warm broth and drink it like tea. During pregnancy, it is recommended to use fresh berries for decoction.
  2. Cranberry jelly is also extremely tasty and healthy. To prepare it, you will need 1 glass of ripe berries, which need to be crushed in a separate bowl, then squeezed, and the resulting juice mixed with a glass of water and the same amount of water diluted with 1 tbsp. starch. Sugar is then added to taste, and then this mixture is brought to a boil over the fire. After cooling, the cranberry jelly is ready to eat.
  3. Many expectant mothers during the period of bearing a baby prefer compotes instead of tea. And cranberries also find their use here. Some have adapted to preparing cranberry compotes together with lingonberries, for example. So, for 2 liters of water you will need 1 cup of berries and 6 tbsp. sugar, preferably brown. The compote is brought to a boil and left to simmer for 30 minutes. The cooled broth is filtered and drunk warm with honey.

Cranberry during pregnancy. Video

You probably know about the benefits of cranberries from childhood. Then, during a cold, your mother always prepared you a medicinal drink from these sour berries, which quickly relieved your fever and accelerated recovery. But it turns out that this is not the only beneficial property of cranberries. It is especially recommended to pay attention to it for pregnant women, for whom any medications are contraindicated during this period.

Why is cranberry so beneficial during pregnancy and when can expectant mothers take it?

Benefits of berries for pregnant women

Cranberries can be called a record holder for the content of vitamins and microelements.

  • You can find vitamin C, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and sodium in it;
  • In addition, 100 grams of berries contain only 28 kcal.

Benefits of cranberries during pregnancy:

  1. The berries contain a lot of vitamin B9 or folic acid, which is necessary to prevent fetal malformations;
  2. Thanks to its sweet and sour taste, it is recommended for those who suffer from toxicosis in the early stages. Find out what else you can do to alleviate your condition from the article Nausea during pregnancy >>>;
  3. Normalizes digestion, which is very important for women during this period, when digestive disorders or constipation are often observed (the article Stomach hurts during pregnancy may be relevant to you >>>);
  4. Regular consumption of cranberries helps strengthen blood vessels. Since the baby at this time receives all the nutrients he needs through the umbilical cord, the mother’s circulatory system simply must be healthy;
  5. Strengthens the immune system, which often suffers during pregnancy;
  6. Due to its composition, the berry can reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the body and reduces the risk of heart attacks and strokes;
  7. Lowers blood pressure, so it is recommended for use by hypertensive patients;
  8. Thanks to its mild diuretic effect, a fruit drink is prepared from cranberries, which helps cope with cystitis and other kidney diseases (read the article on the topic: Cystitis in early pregnancy >>>).

But before you go shopping for cranberries, talk to your doctor about their safety for you.

Eating cranberries in early pregnancy

  • Most women in the first trimester of pregnancy feel tired, weak, and some even suffer from toxicosis. If you are one of them, then cranberries during early pregnancy will help you cope with your illness. Prepare a fruit drink from this berry. Its sour taste will greatly relieve nausea. And a huge amount of vitamins and microelements will invigorate you and give you energy;
  • However, do not forget that it contains a lot of vitamin C, and its excess can provoke an increase in uterine tone, which puts you at risk of miscarriage. Therefore, if, after drinking a glass of fruit drink, you feel a nagging pain in the lower abdomen or other unpleasant sensations, consult a doctor who will tell you whether you can drink cranberries during pregnancy in your particular case.

Use for edema

  1. Cranberries can help against edema during pregnancy. Eating berries normalizes metabolic processes and restores trophic processes occurring in all tissues of the body;
  2. If your edema is caused by problems with the urinary system, then you simply need to prepare cranberry juice. It has a diuretic and bactericidal effect, relieves inflammation. In addition, this drink maintains the electrolyte balance of the body by strengthening the cardiovascular system.

Use for colds

Each of you knows that during this period any medications are contraindicated (you will find a lot of useful information on this topic in the article Colds during pregnancy >>>). A cold can take you by surprise. What to do in this case? In this situation, cranberry will be one of the effective and permitted remedies.

  • It contains ascorbic acid, vitamins A, B and K, which help activate the immune system and speed up recovery;
  • Malic and citric acids have a bactericidal effect. Also, flavonoids have an antimicrobial effect;
  • Natural sugars (glucose, fructose) will give the body strength to fight infection;
  • And microelements normalize all physiological reactions of a sick body.

Important! But when using cranberries during pregnancy to treat colds, it is important to remember that prolonged heat treatment of the product can destroy most of the beneficial substances. Therefore, you need to cook it no longer than 5 minutes.

Natural honey can enrich the cranberry drink, which will enhance the anti-inflammatory and antipyretic functions of the berry.

Use for cystitis

Regular consumption of cranberry drinks promotes a speedy recovery from cystitis and prevents recurrence of the disease. Experiments have shown that regular consumption of berries leads to the immobilization of harmful microorganisms. Benzoic acid plays a huge role in this.

Know! Drinking a glass of fruit drink every day can be an effective preventive measure for the occurrence of cystitis.

Contraindications for consuming cranberries by pregnant women

The beneficial properties of cranberries during pregnancy are undeniable, but the expectant mother should not forget that every product has its own contraindications, and this berry is no exception. You need to be careful with it:

  1. In the presence of any diseases of the digestive system, especially those accompanied by increased stomach acidity;
  2. If you have been diagnosed with enterocolitis.
  3. You need to be careful if you have low blood pressure, since cranberries can lower it, then, in your case, this can lead to a worsening of the condition;
  4. If you are allergic to the product.

How to take cranberries correctly

The beneficial effect of eating cranberries during pregnancy will be more noticeable if you take it correctly.

  • To prevent various diseases and maintain normal levels of vitamins in the body, you can simply eat it raw. It is enough to eat 10-15 berries a day to feel good;
  • Fresh berries can be added to tea, giving it a pleasant sourness;
  • But cranberry juice will be a real vitamin bomb for you.
  1. To do this, juice is squeezed out of fresh berries;
  2. The peel is filled with water and boiled for 3-5 minutes;
  3. After which the broth must be strained;
  4. Combine the juice with the decoction and add sugar or natural honey to it (read the current article about whether you can have honey during pregnancy?).

Only with this method of preparation can you be sure that you will get the maximum benefit from drinking the drink. For 1 glass of fresh berries, you need to take 1 liter of water and a few tablespoons of sugar or honey.

You can make a useful tincture from the berries, which is good for lowering blood pressure and cleansing blood vessels.

  • To do this, pour a few tablespoons of berries with 2 cups of boiling water;
  • It is better to do this in a thermos;
  • Cranberries need to be infused for 8-10 hours;
  • After this, the tincture is filtered and taken before meals.

To prevent vitamin deficiency, you can prepare such a healthy treat - cranberries mashed with honey. You need to take it 1 tablespoon three times a day.

Cranberries during pregnancy are considered one of the healthiest berries. You can store it fresh for up to 4 months. But the berry retains its beneficial properties even in frozen or dried form.

Expectant mothers are recommended to use it for the prevention and treatment of colds, infectious diseases, diseases of the stomach and cardiovascular system, lowering blood pressure, and also simply to quench thirst. But you need to remember that cranberries should be consumed in moderation.

No wonder cranberries are called the miracle berry. It is not only tasty, but also extremely healthy. Therefore, during pregnancy, when the body weakens, hidden sores begin to appear, chronic diseases may worsen, a woman must include cranberries and drinks made from them in her diet.

Benefits of cranberries during pregnancy

Cranberries are famous for containing many vitamins, micro- and macroelements, as well as biologically active substances, the need for which increases during pregnancy. Therefore, pregnant women can use it to replenish these important substances and prevent hypovitaminosis. This is especially true in the first trimester, when the embryonic organs are being laid.

Along with this, when it comes, this berry will have a general strengthening effect and quench thirst at elevated body temperatures. Cranberries are also effective against bacteria. Therefore, it will be useful not only for colds, but also for sore throat, bronchitis, and tonsillitis.

For toxicosis in the first half of pregnancy, when a woman is bothered by nausea and vomiting, cranberries can be used to improve appetite and digestion processes. And the diuretic effect of cranberries, like , will help pregnant women with toxicosis in the second half of pregnancy (preeclampsia) and edema.

Due to its anti-inflammatory effect, doctors prescribe cranberries to pregnant women to prevent and treat kidney and urinary tract infections. For example, it is recommended for the treatment of pyelonephritis and cystitis.

Eating cranberries during pregnancy prevents problems with the circulatory and hematopoietic systems. This berry strengthens blood vessels and increases their elasticity. It is these vessels that are not at risk of varicose veins, which often occurs in pregnant women.

Cranberry also affects the properties of blood. It prevents the formation of blood clots. And during pregnancy, this is necessary for normal nutrition of the fetus, which occurs through the small blood vessels of the placenta. After all, blood clots lead to their blockage, which is fraught with complications during pregnancy.

The beneficial effect of cranberries on the circulatory system helps reduce high blood pressure. Thus, cranberry can be used as a natural cure for hypertension in pregnant women.

This berry also has a sedative effect, which will be useful for women both during pregnancy and the postpartum period.

Cranberries can also be used by pregnant women for disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. For example, for the treatment of gastritis with low acidity, colitis.

You can also consume cranberries during pregnancy to protect against harmful environmental factors. In a woman’s body, it will not allow heavy metals to be absorbed and will help neutralize radioactive metals. The cleansing effect of cranberries also includes lowering cholesterol.

Contraindications to eating cranberries during pregnancy

Not every pregnant woman can eat cranberries, as this berry has contraindications.

Cranberries may cause allergic reactions such as skin rashes or irritation.

And if a pregnant woman has heartburn, cranberries should be consumed with caution so as not to increase the acidity in the stomach.

Eating cranberries during pregnancy

Pregnant women can eat cranberries fresh or add them to tea, or drink cranberry juice or fruit drink.

Fresh berries

To store cranberries in water, you need to wash fresh berries, put them in a wooden container, fill them with water, cover with a lid with holes, put a weight on top and store in a cool, dark place.

When consuming cranberries, pregnant women should remember that they should not be eaten on an empty stomach, so as not to injure the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract with acids.

Cranberry juice

Cranberry juice is often used to treat hypertension, headaches (make a compress), as a wound healing agent, and for the prevention and treatment of kidney and urinary tract infections.

It is advisable for pregnant women to dilute cranberry juice with water. And after drinking the juice, rinse your mouth with warm water to protect tooth enamel from destruction.


During pregnancy, with kidney and urinary tract infections, with emotional instability and fatigue, doctors recommend that women drink cranberry juice.

There are several options for preparing cranberry juice. Let's consider an option where you don't need to boil it, since boiling leads to loss of vitamins.

So, here is a recipe for making fruit juice from fresh or frozen cranberries:

  1. Mash 1 cup berries;
  2. Squeeze out the juice;
  3. Place the remaining pulp in a container and add 600 ml of water;
  4. Boil;
  5. Strain and rub the berry pulp through a sieve;
  6. Add previously squeezed juice.

You can add sugar to the fruit drink for taste, but for greater benefits it is better to use. And to increase the tonic effect of cranberry juice, you can drink it together with.

It would seem that cranberry juice is a simple and harmless drink, but during pregnancy, its dosage and administration system, as well as cranberry juice, should be checked with a doctor.

Cranberries contain a huge amount of useful substances. All of them have a beneficial effect on metabolic processes in the body of a pregnant woman, improve the functioning of the cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, and immune systems. A woman who is expecting the birth of a baby, like no one else, needs a huge amount of vitamins and microelements, so it’s worth figuring out whether you need to eat berries during this period.

Ingredients of cranberries

Since ancient times, cranberries have been considered one of the healthiest berries. She was an indispensable assistant for many diseases, helping to increase the body's defenses.

It is worth noting that cranberries are a very low-calorie product. 100 grams contain only 30 kcal. This means that it will not harm the figure of expectant mothers in any way.

In addition, it contains the following components:

  1. Vitamin C– there is no less of it than in citrus fruits and currants. Thanks to it, the walls of blood vessels are strengthened. The vitamin promotes the formation of new blood cells, nourishes cartilage, making it more elastic. Also has antioxidant properties. The beneficial properties of vitamin C do not end there; it is also involved in the production of carnitine, a substance responsible for energy formation.
  2. Bioflavonoids– these are substances that have a bactericidal effect and have anti-inflammatory properties, enhance immunity.
  3. B vitamins(B 1, B 2, B 5, B 6) – have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, improve memory, and increase the body’s resistance to stress. Helps in the development of the child’s organs and systems.
  4. Microelements, such as potassium, iodine, zinc, magnesium, iron - are essential substances for the normal functioning of the body, improve the functioning of the heart, thyroid gland, and kidneys.
  5. Glucose – the main source of nutrition for the brain and skeletal muscles. Increases the performance of organs and systems.
  6. Organic acids– take part in various types of metabolism in the body, contribute to the formation of energy and accelerate metabolism.

Benefits of cranberries during pregnancy

Based on the composition described above, we can conclude that the berry is an indispensable product for a pregnant woman.

  1. Considering that during pregnancy a woman is prohibited from using most medications, cranberry will help cope with acute respiratory viral infection, as it has an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect.
  2. Cystitis is one of the common women's problems. It has been scientifically proven that consuming this healing berry helps fight symptoms and speed up recovery from this unpleasant illness. It has a bactericidal effect, so microbes cannot cause inflammatory processes in the bladder. The risk of the disease becoming chronic is also reduced.
  3. If a woman complains of the frequent appearance of hematomas on the body due to minor injuries, cranberry will help strengthen the vascular wall and help prevent the formation of new hemorrhages.
  4. If you have heaviness after eating, a feeling of overeating, or discomfort in the stomach, it is recommended to take berry juice.
  5. If a pregnant woman is worried about nausea, cranberries can also come to the rescue.
  6. Almost every expectant mother complains of swelling in the lower extremities, heaviness in the legs and pain at the end of the day. This occurs due to hormonal changes, rapid weight gain and fluid retention in the body. The berry, having a mild diuretic effect, will help get rid of these unpleasant symptoms.
  7. With poor nutrition, a predominance of fatty and high-carbohydrate foods in the diet, atherosclerotic plaques can accumulate on the walls of the arteries. Cranberries reduce the amount of “harmful” low-density lipoproteins, thereby reducing the risk of developing atherosclerosis.
  8. With irritability, memory loss and sudden mood swings, cranberry will also be an important helper because it contains a large amount of B vitamins.
  9. Having a beneficial effect on vascular tone, it will relieve headaches and may slightly reduce blood pressure.

Cranberry juices and fruit drinks are an excellent prevention of pregnancy complications such as intrauterine growth arrest. Cranberry can normalize uterine placental blood circulation.

Ways to eat cranberries

A pregnant woman is recommended to drink no more than one glass of pure cranberry juice per day. But besides this, you can prepare a large number of different drinks and dishes from it, which are less concentrated and therefore can be consumed in larger quantities.

Cranberries contain a large number of natural preservatives, which is why they can be stored frozen for a long time. At the same time, it does not lose its valuable properties.

Healthy recipes

Here are several recipes made from this berry that are useful for pregnant women:

You need to take 1 kilogram of cranberries and two medium-sized oranges. Rinse everything thoroughly and drain the water. Next, the berries and orange are ground in a blender until smooth, and about 150 grams of sugar should also be added.

You can make hot drinks from the resulting jam - add 1-2 tablespoons of berry-fruit mixture to one glass of water. This drink is not only rich in vitamins and microelements, but also has a pleasant taste. If symptoms of cystitis appear in a pregnant woman, this recipe can come to the rescue. After all, the drink warms the body well, and the healing properties of the berry will help overcome the disease.

Cranberry juice. To prepare the drink, try to squeeze out the maximum amount of juice from pre-washed berries. Then place it in a cool place. Add water to the dry residue at the rate of 1 liter per 100 grams of cake. Next, boil the resulting mixture and add the previously squeezed juice to it. Sugar is added to taste. This drink can be taken for edema during pregnancy - it improves renal blood flow and removes excess fluid from the body faster.

Berry decoction. A glass of clean berries is thrown into boiling water for 3-5 minutes. Next, the prepared broth must be cooled and sugar or honey added to taste. During preparation, you should remember that you cannot cook the berries for a long time, as they may lose their beneficial properties.

Dried cranberries with sugar. Soak the berries in sugar syrup and then dry them on an open surface or in a special drying unit. It makes a delicious treat and an excellent lunch snack option.

Cranberry jelly. To prepare, you need half a kilogram of berries; they should be thoroughly ground. Next, add 2 liters of water and bring to a boil. You need to boil for 5-7 minutes. Then add 500 grams of sugar and 150 grams of starch, pre-mixed in cold water. With constant stirring, it is brought to a boil, and the dish is ready.

Video on how to prepare healthy and tasty cranberry juice, which will help restore health during colds, as well as strengthen the body of a pregnant woman throughout pregnancy:

Possible harm and contraindications

Like any other product, cranberry has contraindications for a number of diseases for which it is undesirable to use it. It is worth remembering this, since any exacerbation of a chronic disease during pregnancy can pose a threat to the growth and development of the fetus. These include:

  • chronic hyperacid gastritis;
  • arterial hypotension;
  • gastroesophageal reflux disease;
  • while taking sulfa drugs.

Otherwise, restrictions may apply only to those women who have personal contraindications. For example, if an allergic reaction or individual intolerance to the components of the berry is detected. The number of positive reviews about cranberries is almost 100%.

Some experts warn against eating cranberries during the first trimester of pregnancy. This is due to the large amount of ascorbic acid in the berry, which can provoke muscle contractions of the uterus. However, eating cranberries in reasonable, moderate quantities is allowed during this period.

To summarize, we can conclude that cranberries are a very healthy product. It is not only possible, but also necessary to be consumed during pregnancy in order to support the body and fill it with vitamins and microelements.

Every normal and adequate person tries to take care of his health - eat right, play sports, move more and be in the fresh air more often. Caring for the body becomes especially intense during periods of illness and in old age. But expectant mothers become the most responsible for their health. As soon as a woman learns about her new situation, she tries in every possible way to change her habits for the better. A pregnant woman constantly gets tested, no longer self-medicates, gives up smoking and alcohol, and eats healthy foods. Among the most healthy and natural treats, cranberries can be distinguished. This is not just a tasty and juicy red berry, it is also a storehouse of valuable substances, which is simply necessary for a woman weakened by pregnancy.

Beneficial properties of cranberries during pregnancy

The composition of cranberries is rich in a variety of vitamins and microelements. The berry contains glucose, sucrose, organic acids and pectins. The berry perfectly tones, invigorates and lifts your spirits. Eat a few berries - it will improve your well-being. But what are the benefits of cranberries for women in an interesting position?

  1. For cystitis and urolithiasis. Cranberries contain bactericidal components that perfectly cope with bladder inflammation. Once on the mucous membrane, cranberries literally wash away pathogenic microorganisms from the walls of the bladder and suppress their activity. In combination with plenty of drinking, cranberry juice can quickly relieve the symptoms of cystitis - pain, painful urination, frequent urges, etc. In addition, cranberry drinks are an excellent prevention of urolithiasis.
  2. Bactericidal property. Cranberry juice works great against viruses and some bacteria. For example, red berries are effective in the fight against Staphylococcus aureus, E. coli and even anthrax. If ENT diseases occur, you can dissolve cranberry juice in a glass of warm water and gargle. You can rinse your mouth with the same composition for stomatitis or a sore tooth. In the absence of special means, cranberry juice can be used to treat wounds and damage to the skin.
  3. For antibiotics. Cranberry is effective not only as an independent berry, but also as an auxiliary element in drug treatment. If you take cranberries during antibacterial therapy, it will improve the absorption and effectiveness of antibiotics. This occurs due to citric acid, which increases the absorption of medications taken orally.
  4. For high hemoglobin. Iron deficiency anemia occurs in every third pregnant woman - this is facilitated by a sharp increase in blood volume, unbalanced nutrition, lack of red meat in the diet, etc. Cranberries contain a lot of iron, which is perfectly absorbed by the body and is involved in the process of hematopoiesis.
  5. For toxicosis. Cranberries are very useful in combating morning sickness. The sour taste of the berry immediately suppresses the urge to vomit. Prepare red cranberries ahead of time - leave them on your bedside table. Immediately after waking up, without getting out of bed, you need to eat a few berries and only after that slowly get out of bed - this will help you get rid of the hated feeling of nausea. Many pregnant women know that toxicosis is not only nausea, but also apathy, drowsiness, dizziness, poor appetite, and terrible health. Cranberry copes well with these symptoms, it perfectly tones the body, gives good spirits and a working mood.
  6. For immunity. Cranberries are very useful in the midst of colds, when a pregnant woman constantly catches ARVI due to reduced immunity. To create at least some kind of barrier to disease, you need to eat cranberries every day, at least 5-6 berries, this is a real prevention of colds. If you do get sick, cranberry will also help you in treatment - the berry perfectly reduces the temperature, flushes viruses out of the body, and has a diaphoretic effect.
  7. For brain activity. It is believed that cranberries are the best way to concentrate, gather all your strength, and get down to work or study. Many women continue an active social life during pregnancy; this requires considerable intellectual expenditure. To avoid becoming absent-minded, slow and forgetful, you just need to regularly eat cranberries.
  8. For vessels. Cranberries contain substances that have a positive effect on the condition of blood vessels, improve their elasticity and mobility. This allows you to get rid of the risk of developing varicose veins, which often occurs in women during pregnancy.
  9. For the fetal central nervous system. Cranberries are rich in folic acid, which is essential for women in early pregnancy. Vitamin B9 reduces the risk of developing pathologies of the neural tube of the fetus - this is extremely important. If you lean on cranberries in the early stages of pregnancy, this is the key to the formation of a healthy central nervous system of the child.
  10. For the nerves. Cranberries contain B vitamins, which have an extremely positive effect on a woman’s emotional state. Since during pregnancy expectant mothers constantly worry about something, become suspicious and capricious, cranberries come in handy more than ever.
  11. Against gastritis. Everyone knows that disease of the gastric mucosa is caused by the bacterium Helicobacter pylori. Scientists have proven that cranberry juice is effective in the fight against this bacterium; it significantly suppresses its activity, and with regular consumption, destroys it completely.
  12. Against joint diseases. Many pregnant women face problems such as arthritis, arthrosis, etc. All this happens against the background of calcium being washed out of the body, hormonal changes, and sudden weight gain. The anti-inflammatory properties of cranberries help to cope with the problem, especially in late pregnancy.
  13. In the fight against edema. Cranberry normalizes metabolic processes in the body, perfectly removes excess fluid and relieves swelling. All expectant mothers should know about this, especially in the third trimester of pregnancy.

Cyanidin in cranberries lowers blood sugar levels, which is especially important for pregnant women with diabetes. Cranberries are considered to be a winter berry because they are harvested in late fall. But in fact, the value of cranberries lies in their high vitamin content precisely in winter, when natural vegetables and fruits are simply not available. Even in nature, cranberry is considered a real salvation and a way of survival for many animals and birds. Don’t resist nature either - protect the health of the baby in the womb with the help of a natural red berry.

If you decide to enjoy cranberries every day, be sure to read the contraindications. After all, the berry is far from harmless.

  1. If you have kidney stones or have a history of urolithiasis, it is better to avoid consuming cranberries. Cranberries contain a lot of minerals, high mineral content in the body promotes the deposition of kidney stones. If you are completely healthy, this will not affect you. However, if you are prone to the formation of kidney stones, cranberries can be dangerous.
  2. Cranberries are very useful for thrombophlebitis and other diseases with thick blood - the berry perfectly thins it. However, if your blood is already thin, if you have a tendency to bleed, cranberries may make the situation worse. In this case, the berry should be discarded.
  3. Despite the fact that cranberry is used in the fight against gastritis, it should not be drunk if the stomach acidity is high, especially on an empty stomach and undiluted.
  4. Cranberry perfectly lowers blood pressure; it is useful and effective for hypertensive patients, especially in the early stages, when taking medications is not recommended. However, for pregnant women with low blood pressure, cranberries are not recommended; their condition may worsen.

The main contraindication is an allergic reaction, which can occur quite often to cranberries. Individual intolerance to the berry can manifest itself as a skin rash, redness, swelling, nausea, bloating, etc.

How to eat cranberries correctly?

The healthiest thing to eat is a fresh berry, as soon as you can pick it from the bush. But women, especially pregnant women, do not always have the opportunity to pick cranberries in the swamp. In addition, thrifty housewives want to save the berry for the whole winter in order to feast on it in the midst of colds. That's why cranberries are canned. You should not make jam from the berries - when heated, the product loses the lion's dose of nutrients. Jam in the classical sense cannot be cooked for the same reason. The berries can simply be frozen - at low temperatures, cranberries are perfectly stored, and most importantly, all the most valuable and useful things remain in them. If you don’t want to choke on sour berries, you can grind them with sugar and freeze them in this form. In winter, you will be delighted not only by the taste and benefits, but also by the amazing aroma of cranberries!

Cranberries are widely used not only in folk medicine, but also in cooking. The sweet and sour taste of the berry gives meat and fish dishes a special languor and piquant taste. Various cranberry drinks are very popular - fruit drinks, compotes, jelly, tinctures and juices. Eat cranberries for pleasure, enjoy the palette of tastes and benefits of the red berry!

Video: healing properties of cranberries
