What not to do during pregnancy. What not to eat during pregnancy. List of prohibited products. Why pregnant women should not put pressure on their stomach

What not to do during pregnancy.  What not to eat during pregnancy.  List of prohibited products.  Why pregnant women should not put pressure on their stomach

Extreme sports, overseas delicacies, traveling by plane - all this has become the norm in the life of a modern person. Maybe pregnant women should cast aside restrictions and stop worrying about the development of the embryo? Unfortunately, women in this position face dangers that can lead to irreversible consequences. The unborn baby is especially susceptible to harmful effects during the period when there are still no noticeable signs of his existence. Therefore, it is important for expectant mothers to know what not to do during early pregnancy.

From the moment a new life is born in a woman, she becomes more sensitive to environmental factors. Over the next nine months, her body will work for two, so during pregnancy the expectant mother needs especially careful treatment. But her baby is even more vulnerable to adverse factors. During pregnancy, a whole organism is formed from two small cells, so it is very important that the development processes proceed without errors. And a pregnant woman should do her best to contribute to this, protecting the embryo as much as possible from potentially harmful influences.

What you should absolutely not do during pregnancy

Teratogenic factors are environmental agents that cause disruption of embryo development. Depending on the duration of pregnancy and the method of exposure, they either stop it or lead to developmental defects. Every woman of reproductive age should have an idea of ​​what absolutely should not be done during pregnancy. Drug use, alcohol, smoking - these are bad habits that can cost the life and health of your unborn baby. Also, absolute contraindications during pregnancy, regardless of its duration:

  • exposure to ionizing radiation- radiation therapy, radioactive iodine preparations);
  • working with toxic products- their waste, paint and varnish production;
  • contact with infectious patients- rubella, toxoplasmosis, cytomegalovirus pose the greatest danger;
  • taking medications - including those of herbal origin.

The influence of hazardous factors depending on the trimester

Caution should be exercised throughout pregnancy, however, sensitivity to the effects of adverse environmental agents varies depending on the gestational age. For example, an awkward fall will cause much more trouble at the end of pregnancy, but fluorography is more dangerous at the beginning.

In the first week after conception, the “All or Nothing” law comes into play: under the influence of teratogenic factors in the first days, the embryo either dies or continues to develop without deviations. If pregnancy is desired, and the goal is to carry and give birth to a healthy child, then you need to protect yourself from possible risks.

First 12 weeks

In the first trimester, pregnant women should not do anything that could lead to miscarriage. Anything you shouldn't do after conception usually carries over into subsequent pregnancies, it just becomes more obvious as time goes on. If you exclude the absolute contraindications listed above, then you should be wary of the following risk factors.

Extreme Sports

What is the danger? An adrenaline rush after a parachute jump or visiting a roller coaster, or a lack of oxygen when conquering an Alpine peak can cause malnutrition of the embryo and contribute to its rejection.

Ways to Reduce Risk

  1. Completely give up extreme sports.
  2. Reduce the load for those who have been involved in active sports.
  3. Go to the gym for special pregnancy classes.

Weight lifting

What is the danger? With the onset of pregnancy, hormonal changes affect the ligamentous apparatus and make it more vulnerable to overload. It has been proven that the risk of miscarriage increases with regular lifting of objects weighing more than 10 kg.

Ways to Reduce Risk

  1. In the first trimester, do not wear heavy things heavier than 10 kg.
  2. Switch to light work if the work involves lifting weights.
  3. If there is a threat of interruption, completely limit lifting weights.

Hot bath

What is the danger? If you take a hot bath with a water temperature of 40°C, then a pregnant woman is exposed to significant danger: for some, blood pressure rises, the outflow of blood from the brain can cause fainting. Another threat is uterine bleeding. For the same reason, it is prohibited to hover your legs at any stage of pregnancy.

Ways to Reduce Risk

  1. By the end of the first trimester, you can take warm baths up to 35°C.
  2. Keep your stomach and heart area above the surface of the water.
  3. Don't take a bath when no one is home.
  4. Do not visit the sauna or bathhouse.

X-ray examination

What is the danger? In the first trimester of pregnancy, embryonic cells actively divide and all the organs of the future baby are formed. X-rays can disrupt this process.

Ways to Reduce Risk

  1. When planning pregnancy, undergo testing in the first half of the menstrual cycle.
  2. If there is a possibility of delay, take pictures at a later date.
  3. In an emergency, take the photo under the protection of a lead shield.
  4. Take the examination using digital equipment.

Dental treatment

What is the danger? All teeth should be treated at the planning stage. Cavities are a source of infection. Medicines used in dentistry are contraindicated for pregnant women.

Ways to Reduce Risk

  1. Treat teeth before pregnancy.
  2. If time is lost, then go to the dentist in the second trimester.
  3. In an emergency, the doctor uses drugs without adrenaline.
  4. Do not take pictures in the first trimester.
  5. When extracting a tooth, use approved antibiotics.
  6. Do not install implants.

Pregnancy is not a contraindication to the installation of braces for straightening teeth, but individual pain sensitivity must be taken into account in order to exclude the use of painkillers.

Cosmetic procedures

What is the danger? It all depends on the type of intervention chosen and the qualifications of the cosmetologist. During pregnancy, you should refrain from injection cosmetology. This is due to the fact that the drugs used have not been subjected to clinical trials during pregnancy; allergic reactions are possible. Procedures that can affect general blood flow, and these are many types of hardware cosmetology, are absolutely prohibited.

Ways to Reduce Risk

  1. Nourish and moisturize the skin with cosmetics for pregnant women.
  2. Limit cosmetic procedures to peeling and facial cleansing.
  3. Epilation should be carried out only if pain is tolerated.
  4. Prefer depilation and shaving.
  5. Do not visit the solarium.

Facial cleansing and peeling are not prohibited, but you need to remember that after conception there is a natural weakening of the immune system, so there is a high risk of infection. You should also select depilatory creams with caution - if you are prone to allergies, you should avoid them.

Mid term

The middle of pregnancy is rightly called the golden period - early toxicosis and all the inconveniences associated with it have already passed, and the stomach is not yet so large as to serve as a source of discomfort. The second trimester is the best time for travel, attending maternity schools, physical activity and outdoor recreation. But pregnant women should not do certain things in the second trimester.

  • Choosing a wardrobe. Let's say no to tight jeans and high heels. For the baby to develop properly, the blood supply to the pelvic organs must be satisfactory. Tight clothing not only puts pressure on the stomach and serves as an obstacle to normal blood flow. Therefore, from the beginning of the second trimester, it makes sense to give preference to loose dresses and cute “pregnant” overalls. There are brave mothers who don’t take off their heels even in the delivery room. But to reduce the load on your back and prevent the appearance of uterine tone, you should choose shoes with flat soles.
  • Proper nutrition. “We are what we eat,” and in relation to the developing fetus, this expression seems even more true. It is advisable for the expectant mother to review her diet for the content of vitamins and minerals, consume fermented milk products, eat more seasonal vegetables and fruits, and give preference to lean meats. If there is a tendency to arterial hypertension and edema, then it is worth reducing the consumption of table salt. Is there anything you shouldn't eat? There are no special dietary restrictions for pregnant women, but it is important to choose quality products.

If there is no tendency to allergies, then all fruits are allowed, including citrus fruits. Mothers who are gaining weight according to schedule can have both chocolate and baked goods. The main thing is to keep it in moderation.

Final stage

What pregnant women should not do in the third trimester is dictated by the body itself. Every week the body weight increases, the large belly changes the gait and puts pressure on the abdominal organs. The expectant mother may experience heartburn, shortness of breath, swelling and dizziness. All this affects the daily activities of the pregnant woman. The main restrictions during this period are related to physical activity. What movements should you not do during the third trimester of pregnancy?

  • Sitting cross-legged. Doctors do not recommend crossing your legs, as this leads to worsening blood flow and reduces the amount of blood flowing to the fetus.
  • Raise your hands up. Active movements of the hands can cause a shift in the center of gravity and lead to a fall of the pregnant woman. Also, the uterus can reflexively become toned, which is fraught with premature birth.
  • Play outdoor games. Excessive physical activity is difficult to tolerate: the pregnant woman does not have enough air, her stomach prevents her from moving. Careless movement may result in a fall and injury.

Driving a car is not contraindicated for pregnant women. If a woman is an experienced car enthusiast, then the comfort of a personal car is much better than public transport with infections and the risk of getting hit by inattentive passengers. Some ladies even take the driving test, being in an interesting position. However, this applies to pregnancies without complications. If the expectant mother is worried about arterial hypertension, has problems with the cervix, or is simply nervous while driving a car, then it is better to transfer control to a loved one or use a taxi.

In the later stages of pregnancy, you should limit yourself to travel. It doesn’t matter what vehicle is used, any of them is an extra risk:

  • the train means shaking and lack of amenities, lack of medical care;
  • moving by car- stiff legs and uncomfortable posture can limit the flow of oxygen to the fetus;
  • air travel- pressure changes and the risk of thrombosis.

If a trip cannot be avoided, then you should consult with a specialist and choose a suitable means of transportation. But it is worth remembering that some airlines do not accept late-term pregnant women on board.

Woman in position and work

In Russia, maternity leave begins at 30 weeks for a singleton pregnancy, but there are some types of work that pregnant women cannot do at any stage:

  • interaction with radiation- found in production, among radiologists;
  • working with toxic substances- agronomists, chemists, repair and production sectors suffer;
  • night shifts - doctors, dispatchers, service workers;
  • frequent flights - flight attendants, train conductors;
  • lifting weights- storekeepers, plasterers and painters.

A pregnant woman should not be forced to work overtime or be sent on business trips. If the current rate does not provide for easier working conditions, then the expectant mother can be transferred to another position while maintaining her salary.

Many pregnant women are interested in the question of whether intimacy is allowed in later stages of gestation. Doctors answer unequivocally: if pregnancy proceeds without complications, and the sexual partner does not suffer from infectious diseases, then regular sexual activity during this period is even beneficial. Orgasm helps improve blood circulation in the pelvic organs, and seminal fluid contains prostaglandins, which prepare the cervix for childbirth.

What people say

Since ancient times, there have been folk signs and superstitions associated with pregnancy. Some of them are justified, others are just a tribute to tradition.

Hair manipulation

Since ancient times, there has been a belief that pregnant women should not cut their hair. Recently, a veto on hair dyeing has been added to this. Many pregnant women can be accurately identified in antenatal clinics by their overgrown, unkempt hairstyles.

This is what is hidden under this ban: in ancient times, a woman radically cut her hair only once, crossing the threshold of her husband’s house. Losing hair was considered a shame. Therefore, there was no talk about cutting hair during pregnancy. This restriction has no basis. Modern pregnant women can safely enjoy hairstyles of the length and shape they want.

The same is true with hair dyeing. However, you should dye your hair in a hairdresser with spacious, ventilated rooms. Pregnant women with a tendency to allergic reactions should avoid the idea of ​​changing the color.

Ban on any work on holidays

If the schedule allows you to comply with the church calendar, then there is no reason to worry. No pregnant woman has ever been harmed by an extra day of rest on church holidays. If this is not possible, then believing expectant mothers can visit church and consult with a priest. Perhaps there is some kind of compromise option. The main thing to remember is that it is much worse for the baby if his mother is nervous because of the omen.

One of the signs that is based on a rational grain. Cats are carriers of an infectious disease - toxoplasmosis, which is extremely dangerous for the fetus, regardless of the stage of pregnancy.

But do not rush to kick the unfortunate animal out of the house. It is necessary to donate blood for the presence of antibodies to toxoplasma. If a pregnant woman’s body contains immunoglobulins G for infection, this is a sign that she has encountered Toxoplasma before. This means that the embryo is not at risk for this infection. It is worth examining the cat as well. There is a good chance that the animal is healthy and poses no danger. As a preventive measure, you can entrust someone close to you to clean the litter box after your cats.

Among all the prohibitions and restrictions that surround a pregnant woman, the most important thing that you should not do during pregnancy is to lose your presence of mind and optimism. Despite the worries, you need to believe that pregnancy is a wonderful period that will certainly end with meeting your baby.


Pregnancy is a physiological process in which a new human organism develops in a woman’s uterus, resulting from fertilization.

Pregnancy lasts on average for women 280 days(40 weeks, which corresponds to 9 calendar months or 10 lunar months). Pregnancy is also usually divided into 3 trimesters of 3 calendar months each.

Signs of early pregnancy

In the early stages, the diagnosis of pregnancy is made on the basis of doubtful and probable signs.

Questionable signs of pregnancy- various kinds of subjective sensations, as well as objectively determined changes in the body, outside the internal genital organs: taste whims, changes in olfactory sensations, easy fatigue, drowsiness, pigmentation of the skin on the face, along the white line of the abdomen, nipples and areola.

Possible signs of pregnancy- objective signs from the genital organs, mammary glands and when staging biological reactions to pregnancy. These include: cessation of menstruation in women of childbearing age, enlargement of the mammary glands and the appearance of colostrum when squeezed out of the nipples, cyanosis of the mucous membrane of the vagina and cervix, changes in the shape and consistency of the uterus, and an increase in its size.

You can first verify the presence of pregnancy at home using a rapid test for the content of the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin in a woman’s urine (the test is carried out from the first day of the delay of the next menstruation).

It allows you to confirm the fact of pregnancy.

Changes in the body of a pregnant woman

Numerous and complex changes occur in a woman's body during pregnancy. These physiological changes create conditions for the intrauterine development of the fetus and prepare the woman’s body for labor and breastfeeding of the newborn. Menstruation stops, the mammary glands increase in volume, and the nipples darken.

Many pregnant women experience nausea and sometimes vomiting in the first trimester - these symptoms are commonly called. Weakness, drowsiness, heartburn, drooling, changes in taste, and frequent urination often occur. These disturbances in well-being are characteristic of a healthy and normal pregnancy.

Particularly large changes occur in the woman’s genital organs. Each time the uterus grows, the blood supply to the internal and external genital organs increases. The tissues swell and become elastic, which facilitates their better stretching during childbirth. In the mammary glands, the number and volume of glandular lobules increase, their blood supply increases, they become tense, from the nipples. There is a sharp increase in the amount of gonadotropic hormones, as well as estrogens and progesterone, produced first by the corpus luteum (a temporary gland formed at the site of the follicle from which the mature egg emerged) and then. Hormones secreted by the corpus luteum (progesterone and, to a lesser extent, estrogens) help create conditions for the proper development of pregnancy. The corpus luteum undergoes reverse development after the fourth month due to the development of the hormonal function of the placenta.

To manage pregnancy, it is necessary (3 - 4 weeks after the delay of menstruation), where the doctor examines and examines the external and internal genital organs, and, if necessary, prescribes additional examinations.

Genital organs during pregnancy

Uterus. During pregnancy, the size, shape, position, consistency and reactivity (excitability) of the uterus changes. The uterus gradually enlarges throughout pregnancy. Enlargement of the uterus occurs mainly due to hypertrophy of the muscle fibers of the uterus; At the same time, muscle fibers multiply and the newly formed muscle elements of the reticular-fibrous and argyrophilic “framework” of the uterus grow.

The uterus is not only a fruit repository that protects the fetus from adverse external influences, but also a metabolic organ that provides the fetus with enzymes and complex compounds necessary for the plastic processes of a rapidly developing fetus.

Vagina During pregnancy, it lengthens, widens, and the folds of the mucous membrane become more pronounced. The external genitalia loosen during pregnancy.

Lifestyle of a pregnant woman, regime, nutrition and hygiene

The developing fetus receives all the necessary nutrients from the mother. The well-being of the fetus depends entirely on the health of the mother, her working conditions, rest, and the state of the nervous and endocrine systems.

Pregnant women are exempt from night shifts, heavy physical work, work associated with body vibration or adverse effects of chemicals on the body. substances. During pregnancy, sudden movements, heavy lifting and significant fatigue should be avoided. A pregnant woman needs to sleep at least 8 hours a day. A walk before bed is recommended.

A pregnant woman must be carefully protected from infectious diseases, which pose a particular danger to the body of the pregnant woman and the fetus.

During pregnancy, you need to be especially careful about keeping your skin clean. Clean skin helps eliminate metabolic products that are harmful to the body through sweat.

A pregnant woman should wash her external genitalia twice a day with warm water and soap. Douching during pregnancy should be prescribed with great caution.

During pregnancy, you should carefully monitor the condition of your oral cavity and carry out the necessary treatment.

The mammary glands must be washed daily with warm water and soap and dried with a towel. These methods prevent cracked nipples and mastitis. If so, then you should massage them.

Maternity clothes should be comfortable and loose: you should not wear tight belts, tight bras, etc. In the second half of pregnancy, it is recommended to wear a bandage that should support the abdomen, but not squeeze it.

A pregnant woman should wear low-heeled shoes.

The first trimester of pregnancy, lasting the first 12 weeks according to the obstetric calendar or the first three months according to the lunar calendar, is the most crucial stage in a mother’s life. This is the period of formation of all organs and systems of the body of her unborn child, and the slightest violation can cause congenital anomalies or death of the fetus. So a woman needs to be especially vigilant and give up a number of things:

1) From lifting and carrying heavy objects, as this increases the risk of miscarriage and premature birth. A woman’s body is being rebuilt: the cartilage (especially the pelvic cartilage) becomes looser, the skeletal bones become more fragile, including due to the partial “washing out” of calcium from them, and the load on the spine increases. And lifting a load, even if it weighs 5 kg, leads to increased pressure on the spinal column and pelvis, as well as an increase in intra-abdominal pressure, and, consequently, pressure on the uterus. Therefore, you should lift no more than 3 kg, and divide the load between two hands. If you need to take on a burden, you should first sit down slightly, and then evenly distribute the load so that the main burden falls on your legs and arms;

2) From extreme and heavy sports, cycling and motorbike rides, horse riding, as well as training on simulators. Physical activity should be moderate. The only exception is special gymnastics for pregnant women, but before selecting its exercises, you must consult a doctor;

3) From saunas, baths and hot baths. When immersed in hot water, blood pressure rises, and blood rushes to the skin and internal organs, including the uterus, creating a threat of miscarriage. The same applies to the hot, humid air of a steam room. Warm or slightly cool water is more appropriate. Swimming in the pool is also useful, provided that there is someone nearby who can provide assistance if something happens;

4) From X-ray studies. Exposure to excessive doses of X-rays, to which the dividing cells of the developing organs of the unborn child are especially defenseless, has a rather negative effect on the fetus. X-rays are permissible only after the twentieth week of pregnancy and only for medical reasons;

5) From vaccinations. As a rule, any vaccine contains live bacteria, which, if they penetrate the fetus, can cause intrauterine pathologies. If the incidence rate is high, vaccination, of course, can be done for prevention, but with the obligatory introduction of immunoglobulin - ready-made antibodies;

6) From smoking, active and passive. Nicotine quickly penetrates the placenta and amniotic fluid, concentrates there and causes spasm of the placental vessels, preventing the supply of oxygen to the fetus and leading to hypoxia. Oxygen deficiency negatively affects brain cells, which can subsequently lead to mental retardation. Nicotine also accumulates in the heart, kidneys, liver and other organs;

7) From alcohol. Its main danger is not even damage to developing tissues and organs, but also damage to the central nervous system, in particular, brain cells. A decrease in the content of vitamins in the blood causes metabolic and hormonal disorders.

Particular attention should be paid to proper nutrition. It should be balanced and nutritious. It is necessary to exclude all sodas, fast foods, and eat less overcooked food, which often leads to stomach discomfort and heartburn.

And most importantly: you shouldn’t let your own health take its course.

It is clear that when a woman becomes pregnant, she tries to lead a healthy lifestyle, eat a balanced diet, and saturate her diet with vitamins and microelements. Each of us knows that pregnant women need positive emotions, attention, fresh air, walking, support and understanding, and so on. But relatives and friends begin to actively bombard the expectant mother with various instructions: don’t do this, don’t eat that. What prohibitions exist during pregnancy?

What can you do during pregnancy?

  • Pure water should be the main and main drink for a pregnant woman. You can also use natural juices, fruit drinks, kvass (especially homemade).
  • Many pregnant women “break through” to. A little bit is possible, but it’s better to choose non-alcoholic.
  • In the last trimester, you can afford a glass of good wine (but not champagne). True, we are all different, and dosages may vary accordingly. There is an opinion that if the expectant mother feels slightly intoxicated, the baby is completely unconscious.
  • You can cut your hair; it will not cause any harm to the unborn baby, and the mother’s hair will not stop growing.
  • Of the medications, only paracetamol (3 tablets 3 times a day for no more than 3 days) are harmless.
  • You can sleep on your back (if you are comfortable).
  • There is no better physical training for expectant mothers than swimming and water aerobics.
  • You can use cosmetics. But face cream should not contain vitamin A (in large quantities it is very harmful), hydrocortisone (this is a steroid that is dangerous for a child if used daily), or benzoyl peroxide. Regarding body gel and lotion, it is better to choose those designed specifically for pregnant women. They are safe and contain components designed to minimize the likelihood of stretch marks and breast deformation.
  • Have sex if pregnancy is progressing normally. However, it would be a good idea to specifically ask your doctor about this.

What not to do during pregnancy?

  • , alcohol and drugs are under an iron taboo! There are no safe doses of these poisons. So stay away from them. Also avoid passive smoking.
  • Caffeine may cause miscarriage or low birth weight of the baby. And green tea interferes with the absorption necessary for the normal development of the baby. Therefore, it is better to refuse them. But if you really want to, then sometimes you can have a little bit.
  • It is not recommended to eat the following foods: raw meat, unpasteurized milk and soft cheeses, hematogen, sushi, seafood. Fast food and harmful additives are also not for pregnant women. Try not to eat spicy, salty and fatty foods.
  • Carbonated drinks can cause active fermentation processes in the intestines, which provokes uterine contractions.
  • Wearing synthetic underwear, especially thongs, is prohibited. Choose natural cotton panties and special maternity bras.
  • It is not recommended to dye your hair or perm your hair. During pregnancy, a woman's hormonal background changes, which often affects the skin and hair, and chemical agents can further worsen their condition. But if you decide to paint yourself, then choose gentle paints.
  • Changing cat litter increases the risk of contracting toxoplasmosis. The result can be slowed baby growth, poorly developing brains, and damage to the fetal eyes.
  • You can't overheat. Therefore, you will have to give up saunas and baths.
  • Do not start renovations during this period - the paints and toxins will disappear no sooner than in a year.
  • Bug sprays are not recommended. Toxins enter your blood and from there to your baby.
  • The following medications are strictly contraindicated: Aminopterin, Methyltestosterone, Progestins, Quinine, Thalidomide, Trimethadine, Retinoids (isotretinoin, roancutane, etretinate, tigazone, acitretin).
  • You should not get any vaccinations.
  • It is better to give up high heels now. Firstly, it is dangerous: it increases the risk of falling. Secondly, during this period the center of gravity shifts, and the load on the spine increases. And heels enhance it. Therefore, starting from the second half of pregnancy, the risk of all kinds of radiculitis and neuralgia increases, which expectant mothers, naturally, have no need for.
  • You cannot raise your arms when the baby has already taken the correct position.
  • You cannot lie on your stomach or sit cross-legged.
  • They say that a newborn should not be shown to anyone until it is 40 days old. They can jinx it. In fact, doctors do not recommend bringing strangers into your baby’s home for about a month. Your home has its own atmosphere and microflora, and visiting guests have theirs. The child must develop immunity to the environment around him, so you should not gather crowds of people. But on the street, when the baby is sleeping, please show him to anyone you want.

Neither yes nor no

  • Visiting the solarium is not recommended. But many do not agree with this. If you cover your tummy with a towel and follow the basic rules, there is nothing to fear.
  • If you are a soy lover, you should not deny yourself the consumption of this product. But if you haven’t tried these beans before, it’s better not to risk it. Yes, and you need to choose natural soybeans. Although there is no evidence that genetically modified foods have a negative impact on our health.
  • It is better not to buy antiperspirant deodorants that contain aluminum salts. But you can use perfumed alcohol deodorant.
  • It is better to refrain from any trips. Vibration-causing transport is a clockwork mechanism for hyperexcitability of the uterus and can provoke miscarriage or. But if a woman feels great, then she can go on vacation. But it’s better not during the period when the risk of miscarriage increases: 11-12, 26-27 and 31-32 weeks.
  • You can sit at the computer, but only for a short time. Abuse is dangerous from the earliest stages - it increases the risk of a non-developing (frozen) pregnancy.
  • Exercise is good, but this means walking and special exercises for pregnant women. Lifting weights, climbing mountains, running marathons and scuba diving should not be done.
  • Doctors do not recommend overusing food allergens (chocolate, citrus fruits). And in general you need to be careful with such products, that is, exclude them if possible. But opponents of the bans argue that you can eat whatever you want. After all, the body itself feels that it is allowed. In addition, while breastfeeding you will have to give up a lot, and you really want to eat for the future!
  • It is advisable not to take any medications. But if there is such a need, consult your doctor and study this issue further.
  • If you do not take pills, preferring to be treated with herbs, you need to carefully read the composition of the medicinal preparations. Harmful for pregnant women: aloe, barberry, oregano, ergot, tansy, sativum - these herbs can cause increased uterine tone. Wild strawberries and string - can cause a predisposition to allergies in a child. Sea kale, spinach, sorrel - if consumed in moderation, can cause fetal development disorders. St. John's wort - increases blood pressure in a pregnant woman. Calamus, blue cornflower, elecampane, juniper, celery - can disrupt kidney function. In addition, poisonous plants include: belladonna (belladonna), yellow egg capsule, glossy spurge, male fern, evasive peony, common lilac, horsetail, and bird cherry. These plants are sometimes used for treatment in small doses, but this should not be done during pregnancy.
  • The same goes for aromatherapy. If you do not have allergies, you can safely use oils. Among the safe ones are petitgrain, rose, sandalwood and tea tree, neroli, eucalyptus, ylang-ylang, lavender, lemon, orange, calendula, wheat germ, jojoba. On the advice of a specialist, you can use bergamot, chamomile, peppermint, and incense oil. During pregnancy, oils of laurel, basil, nutmeg, hyssop, juniper, marjoram, myrrh, thyme, sage, cloves, oregano, patchouli (in the last weeks), cedar, cypress, Schisandra chinensis, rosemary, yarrow, fennel are strictly prohibited. They can have a toxic effect on the child and even provoke a miscarriage of oils of tansy, burdock, wormwood, oregano, and pennyroyal.
  • They say that ultrasound can be done no more than 3 times during pregnancy. Doctors themselves disagree on the answer to this question. Some say that modern ultrasound machines are almost completely safe for the baby, and you can be examined as many times as you like. Others say that no matter how it is, irradiation is irradiation. Don't refuse an ultrasound if it really needs to be done. But it’s probably not worth going specifically to find out the sex of the child.

Especially for- Elena Kichak

Pregnancy is an amazing state for a woman, in which, along with many positive aspects, there are certain prohibitions. There is a specific list of products that are contraindicated for pregnant women, for example, coffee or alcoholic beverages. There are also many things that can cause harm in an interesting situation, so they are also unacceptable. It is very dangerous to lift weights or take a bath that is too hot. But there are also absolutely superstitious prohibitions that are unlikely to cause harm, but women are very afraid to break them. Let's look at all these "don'ts" and why they are so important during gestation.

Having first noticed two lines on a pregnancy test, a woman is at a loss: what should she eat now so that the products do not harm the baby and benefit him? Therefore, we will consider foods and drinks that are categorically not recommended for consumption during pregnancy.

What not to eat during pregnancy: forbidden food

A pregnant woman needs to realize that the food she eats serves as a biological building material for the development of the child’s body, so it must be of higher quality and healthier. Doctors agree on one thing - the diet should be dominated by fruits and vegetables, cereals, dairy products and animal proteins. Also, a pregnant woman needs a full supply of clean drinking water and vitamin supplements (as prescribed by the doctor).

A separate point in the diet of a pregnant woman is restrictions on certain foods and drinks. They can have a bad effect on both the woman herself and the development of the baby. Why can't you eat certain foods during pregnancy?

The main reason is the vulnerability of internal organs, especially the stomach, which undergoes dramatic changes after conception. The location of organs changes, metabolism decreases and the tone of all muscles, including the intestines, weakens. Therefore, the usual diet before pregnancy can become a serious test for the digestive system in its new position. That is why during pregnancy you should not indulge in spicy and heavy foods.

In addition, restrictions are imposed on so-called harmful products with flavors, E-additives, and other unhealthful substances. This is due to the fact that these products reach the baby through the placenta and disrupt its normal development.

And finally, some dietary taboos can be caused by various chronic diseases, toxicosis or allergic manifestations in the expectant mother. Therefore, prohibited products are often selected individually.

So, what foods are prohibited during pregnancy:

  • Sausages. Flavorful sausages and sausages have long ceased to be healthy. All you have to do is take a quick look at the ingredients and it becomes clear that it doesn’t smell like meat. And instead of animal raw materials, it contains huge quantities of spices, fat, dyes and other substances that have a toxic effect on the fetus.
  • Sweets. Cheesecakes, marmalade, halva and other sugar-containing delicacies are a source of empty “fast” carbohydrates. These products instantly transform into excess weight and do not provide any nutritional value. As a result, the woman quickly gains weight, which has a bad effect on the overall course of pregnancy - lower back pain appears, tachycardia is annoying, and the fetus increases in weight excessively.
  • Allergenic products. Chocolate, citrus fruits, and seafood can cause allergies, even if this did not happen outside of pregnancy. After conception, against the background of reduced immunity, the female body can react in a completely new way to foods that are familiar to it, especially if they can provoke allergies. Therefore, when you are in the first trimester of pregnancy, your doctor should tell you what you can and cannot eat from the “allergenic” list.
  • Legumes. Corn, peas, and beans contribute to increased flatulence. These products are especially contraindicated starting from the second trimester, when the uterus is actively growing and begins to put pressure on the organs. If you overuse legumes, a woman will suffer from pain, bloating, and indigestion.
  • Salty and smoked dishes. Such food puts a tremendous “load” on the liver and kidneys. This can result, at best, in heartburn and toxicosis, and in the worst case, gestosis, pancreatitis, and renal failure. It is especially important to remember that you should not get carried away with hot spices in the early stages of pregnancy, as they can worsen the course of toxicosis.
  • Semi-finished products, sauces, croutons. Such products are simply oversaturated with harmful ingredients. They disrupt metabolic processes and impair digestion. As a result, the pregnant woman feels unwell, and the baby experiences a deficiency of nutrients and instead receives a whole set of E-supplements. In addition to all of the above, doctors advise refraining from consuming sugary sodas, undercooked meat and raw eggs, fast food and other foods that are not a healthy diet.

Why you shouldn't drink coffee during pregnancy

Drinking coffee during pregnancy is a topical and controversial issue. Doctors, although they do not advise, do not oppose moderate consumption of weak coffee during pregnancy, however, no more than 1 cup. But there are also specialists who are categorically against this practice.

Abuse of coffee during gestation can be fatal for a woman. Research shows that more than three cups a day can provoke a miscarriage or hypertensive crisis, especially if a woman has prerequisites for the development of gestosis. There is also a risk of developing hypocalcemia syndrome and potassium deficiency. These two elements are abundantly washed out of the body along with caffeine, which is present in coffee.

Important! During pregnancy, it is not the coffee itself that is harmful, but the caffeine it contains. Therefore, pregnant women need to limit other tonic drinks - a strong infusion of black and green tea leaves, Coca-Cola, and energy drinks.

Why you should not drink alcohol or smoke during pregnancy

Even small doses of low-alcohol drinks can cause birth defects in a baby or serious complications in a woman during childbirth. Alcohol is especially dangerous in the first trimester, when the embryo is forming. Regular exposure to alcohol to the fetus negatively affects the formation of its vascular and nervous systems.

The same restrictions apply to nicotine. Obstetric practice has long proven that smoking during gestation increases the risk of underdevelopment of the baby’s lungs. In addition, the intrauterine influence of nicotine on the fetus threatens the future with an asthmatic component and reduced immunity.

What herbs should not be used during pregnancy?

Due to inexperience, pregnant women resort to herbal medicine, considering homeopathy much safer than medications. In fact, there are many herbal plants that can cause miscarriage, premature delivery, increase blood pressure, or aggravate chronic diseases.

All pregnant women need to remember well what is not allowed during pregnancy:

  • oregano;
  • cotton root;
  • saffron (crocus);
  • barberry;
  • tansy;
  • juniper;
  • greater celandine;
  • sagebrush;
  • nutmeg;
  • pennyroyal

Also, during gestation, the use of all essential oils is prohibited. Moreover, it is not allowed to take them internally, use them externally or for aromatherapy. This precaution is caused by an increased risk of developing severe allergic attacks, unplanned development of the birth process and a pathological reaction of the cardiovascular system.

Advice! Not all herbs are dangerous during pregnancy, and some of them can greatly help a woman during illness. Rosehip, peppermint and white tea will help cope with colds, ginger tea with lemon will calm uncontrollable vomiting, and lingonberry leaf will relieve swelling.

Prohibitions and pregnancy: what you can and cannot do during pregnancy

During pregnancy, a woman is observed by a gynecologist for the entire nine months. The doctor constantly monitors the woman’s health and, given her condition, may recommend some restrictions in various areas of life. So, if there is a threat of miscarriage, physical activity and intimacy may be contraindicated. If a woman has venous insufficiency, she is contraindicated from standing or sitting for a long time. Well, without exception, all ladies in this position are forbidden to be nervous and overworked. However, let's look at all these “don'ts” in order.

Sex during pregnancy: when not to?

For some reason, women think that it is impossible to have sex during a short period of pregnancy. Indeed, there are situations when sex is contraindicated. First of all, there is a threat of miscarriage due to uterine hypertonicity, improper placement of the placenta or hormonal disorder. Sex in this case will contribute to a sharp contraction and tension of the uterus, which can worsen the woman’s condition.

If there are no such contraindications, then intimate intimacy is even encouraged, especially in the last weeks of gestation. It turns out that sperm contains special substances - prostaglandins - that soften the cervix, thereby preventing ruptures during childbirth.

What not to do in sports during pregnancy

If a woman leads an active lifestyle, playing sports, then with the onset of pregnancy she will have to make some adjustments to her daily routine. It is better to avoid exercises with a sharp range of motion, strength training, and excessive stress on the back.

Advice! The best option for sports during pregnancy is yoga, Pilates, swimming according to a special program for pregnant women.

Why you shouldn't fly on an airplane while pregnant

Travel and travel are not contraindicated during pregnancy if it proceeds without complications. You can choose any transport except plane. There is a constant fluctuation in atmospheric pressure in the air, which can disrupt the normal course of pregnancy. During the flight, a woman’s blood pressure may increase, and if the pregnancy is more than 7 months old, contractions may even begin.

Why you shouldn't sleep on your back during pregnancy

Starting from the second trimester, it is better for pregnant women to avoid lying on their back while sleeping. During this period, the uterus with the baby is already quite large, and in this position it puts a lot of pressure on the diaphragm, blood vessels and internal organs.

If you do not follow the advice of doctors, the flow of blood through the veins will slow down, which will cause headaches, exacerbation of hemorrhoids, varicose veins of the pelvic organs and back pain.

Advice! The optimal position for a pregnant woman is to sleep on her left side.

Why you can’t cross your legs during pregnancy

Sitting in this position during pregnancy can cause many complications. Firstly, there is strong pressure on the fundus of the uterus and a deterioration in blood circulation, which causes oxygen deficiency in the baby. Secondly, the vein under the knee is pressed, which can provoke or aggravate existing varicose veins of the legs. And thirdly, it causes pain in the back and pubic area.

Why you shouldn't lift weights during pregnancy

During a normal pregnancy, it is permissible for a woman to lift no more than 5 kg, and if there is a threat of miscarriage, then generally lifting nothing more than 1 kg is prohibited. Although everything here is very individual and depends on the woman’s health. In any case, it is better to avoid carrying heavy objects, because this threatens not only miscarriage, but also spinal injuries, varicose veins, including hemorrhoids.

Why you shouldn't raise your hands during pregnancy

The prohibition against raising hands during pregnancy is a common superstition. And if you believe him, this position causes the baby to become entangled in the umbilical cord. But this also has medical indications. The fact is that when the arms are raised strongly, the uterus becomes overstrained, general blood circulation is disrupted, and dizziness appears. All these symptoms are unacceptable during pregnancy, so sudden raising of hands is best avoided.

Why you shouldn't be nervous during pregnancy

The relationship with nervous disorders in a newborn and frequent stress in a woman during pregnancy is a long-established fact. In addition, all pregnant women are forbidden to be nervous, since this increases the risk of developing a variety of pathologies - placental abruption, hypertension, diabetes, psoriasis and other diseases during pregnancy.

What not to do during pregnancy: myths and superstitions

Women planning a pregnancy, or already happily pregnant women, assign a special role to various superstitions and signs. Their essence sometimes causes real bewilderment, but women diligently continue to believe in them and worry about this, giving rise to many fears and doubts. Let's look at the most popular among them.

Myth No. 1. Why can't you cut your hair during pregnancy?

Since biblical times, hair has been considered something sacred, personifying the flow of life. Perhaps for this reason, the opinion has taken hold that cutting hair during pregnancy shortens the life of the unborn baby. In fact, there is no evidence of such a mythical relationship, so visiting a hairdresser in such a delicate state is left to the woman's discretion.

Myth No. 2. Why can’t you dye your hair during pregnancy?

This superstition has similar roots to the previous myth. It says that dyeing hair while carrying a child can make his fate unhappy.

In fact, the danger may lie elsewhere - old-generation paints (ammonia) can penetrate the mother’s body, and therefore the fetus, causing some complications. Therefore, if you want to look beautiful during pregnancy, use only ammonia-free paints.

Myth No. 3. Why shouldn't pregnant women touch cats?

The older generation always scolds pregnant women when they want to pet a cat. In their opinion, this will cause a large number of enemies for the child. Official medicine has another explanation, and it is absolutely logical. If a woman has not had toxoplasmosis before conception, she can become infected from the carrier of the disease - a cat. Although, if the animal is domestic and healthy, then there is no such danger.

Myth No. 4. Why shouldn’t pregnant women sew, knit, or embroider?

Anything involving a needle and thread is considered unacceptable during pregnancy. If you believe superstition, a woman can “sew up” the baby’s entrance into our world, or the child can become entangled in the umbilical cord. Such beliefs are associative in nature and do not in any way affect the course of pregnancy if the woman is not overtired during such an activity.

Myth No. 5. Why can't women have their teeth treated?

This statement was relevant several decades ago, when pain and fear during a dentist appointment could cause pregnant women to faint, panic attacks, and even the threat of miscarriage. And according to superstitions, this could cause severe fright in the baby.

Now, with the availability of safe painkillers, modern technology and the comfort of the procedure, dental treatment during pregnancy is completely acceptable and even encouraged. After all, it is known that teeth often begin to deteriorate during gestation due to calcium deficiency, and if you postpone treatment until later, you can completely lose your teeth.

To summarize, we can say with confidence that women during pregnancy need to be very careful when choosing foods, sports and transport. Therefore, immediately discuss with your obstetrician-gynecologist all possible prohibitions at the time of registration.

Video “Pregnancy in trimesters: what you can and cannot do”
